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Our Work

Digital solutions about Cloud

Dynamics ERP Optimization

Retailer Reaches Global Growth with Dynamics ERP Optimization

Child Services Agency

Child Services Agency Increases Case Compliance Using AWS


CoOp Saves $100,000 with a Closer Look at Licensing

Retailer Puts

Retailer Puts Cloud Integrations and API Modernization into Action

Improve Employee Experience

Creating Connections: Bob Evans Farms Leverages 365 Applications to Improve Employee Experience

New Wearable Devices

New Wearable Devices: How BioLink Used Emerging Tech to Improve Patient Care

Data & Analytics

Achieving Corporate Agility through Data & Analytics

Cloud Transformation

Cloud Transformation: How DWA Revolutionized their Business Processes and Improved Productivity

SharePoint Intranet Development

Fortune 500 Company Boosts Productivity through SharePoint Intranet Development

Modern Cloud Solution

Modern Cloud Solution Helps Nonprofit Simplify Fundraising

More Power, Faster

More Power, Faster: Regulatory Pressure Leads to Platform Optimization and Reduced Costs


Technology Changes Transform Primary Financial

Dynamics Licensing Assessment

Dynamics Licensing Assessment Results in 38% Reduction in Costs for National Cleaning Service

Chemical Manufacturer

Beyond Support: Dynamics Challenges Resolved for Chemical Manufacturer

Ready To Talk?

Let us know how we can help you out, and one of our experts will be in touch right away.