Nearshore & Offshore Services
Find Your Nearshore/Offshore Solution That Works For You
New Era’s Global premium support teams are tailored specifically to meet your needs.
We recently established centers in Mexico City and Asia-Pacific, specifically in Malaysia & Singapore. With locations in the Midwest, Atlanta, California, Mexico, India, Malaysia and Singapore, we are building an ever-diverse and capable team ready to support your IT quality and cost containment needs. From ongoing staffing needs to a rich, Agile driven 24/7 onsite/offshore model, we are here to deliver managed results.
Click here to visit the Offshore Delivery Center in India
Why Choose Nearshore Resources?

Same Time Zones
Sometimes, the time difference with offshore talent can be a positive, especially when that team covering 24/7/365 support services. But for other pressing initiatives you’ll want to have support that’s working at the same time your onshore team is in the office. A team in Mexico City can cover all American time zones more readily than resources across the globe. Instead of extremely early morning phone calls, you can have access to your team when you need them most.

Reasonable Tech Resources
It’s important to have quality workers that can perform all of the development and support tasks you need. As tech salaries rise dramatically in North America and qualified workers are becoming much harder to find, companies are widening their search to find experienced tech talent in Mexico, where the talent pool is plentiful. With little competition and talent waiting to be utilized, Mexico City has become very attractive to many companies.

Easy to Access
With a nearshore team, there’s less time on an airplane to access the team directly for those big meetings where information sharing is critical to success.
By investing in Malaysia and Mexico, New Era is investing in our clients. We are an MSC applicant focusing in new technologies such as block-chain, predictive analytics and more with the ability to hire the best and brightest both locally, in Malaysia, Mexico and abroad.
Synergy All Across the World
When you are considering a Malaysian option to support your needs a team with capabilities in the U.S. – Midwest, India and Malaysia can help provide the congruency to make your projects successful. With two-decades of experience, an understanding of your business and a team in place with a rich background in your technology, New Era is pro-active in sourcing ahead of the requirement or project so that your project stays on schedule with assurance strong resources will be ready when needed.

IT Staffing in India & Malaysia
New Era Technology currently provides IT professional services to many Malaysian – U.S. based entities with similar technology stacks as yours. This capability allows us to quickly ramp up or ramp down on resource and development teams to match your business cadence of work. In addition, our India presence provides another source of quality resources to add on to your team as needed to help augment Malaysian related initiatives.
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