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The future of identity & access management

In this case, we're not looking for plot twists.

In the gripping mystery thriller film The Invisible Guest, a wealthy tech entrepreneur finds himself entangled in a murder case and hires a top lawyer to build his defense. As the entrepreneur’s story unwinds, the audience is kept guessing until the final identity is revealed, which, we must confess, we did not see coming. 

Hopefully the same could not be said for your organization’s technology platforms. 

As more and more data and applications move to the cloud, and employees increasingly expect seamless BYOD experiences, companies are looking for identity and access management solutions that balance flexibility with robust security.  

Whether you’re looking for a new tool, need to integrate or authenticate across new data streams, or create complex multi-tenancy and role-based access rules, we can help. Our technology and data teams can help you identify and implement the right solutions to keep identity records and access rules secure and seamless – so you can keep your business moving forward. 

Get smart. No shade intended for superheroes and middle-aged men flying jets, but if you’re looking for a gripping mystery thriller this weekend, we’d recommend The Invisible Guest. It’s currently streaming on Netflix with English subtitles. That’s right, you get culture points and suspense. And if you’ve been wondering about simulation theory and hoping to find a sci-fi outlet to help you think it through, Sea of Tranquility turned out to be better than When We Cease to Understand the World, in our opinion.  

If, after getting all turned around by cinematic and literary plot twists, you want to explore tech solutions, let us know. We can’t deliver time travel, fix the lighting on your moon colony, or help you prep for a Spanish deposition, but real-world identity and access management solutions are right up our alley.  

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New Era Technology

New Era Technology creates powerful digital, data, and technology solutions that keep companies moving forward in a rapidly changing world. Our 500+ consultants use data insights, experience design, and tech innovation to help you reimagine your business for whatever comes next.

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